Wanted to submit a quick post to let our blog followers know that we have updated our projects page on the ecoartspace website. We realize that the more active we are with the blog, that our website becomes less relevant. So, it is now up to speed. This is an ongoing issue and why we really enjoy having the blog (as we rely on someone else to update the website).
O'yes NEWSFLASH: our ecoartspace Facebook group reached 1,000 today!!! And, we have added a fan page as well and are posting links daily, like a Twitter feed. Plus, we are also on Twitter. So, if you want quick byte size morsels of information/links, sign up to follow ecoartspace through our fan page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
Amy will be posting soon on a recent panel she participated on in upstate New York with Jason Middlebrook and I plan to write up a summary of the Rising Tides conference I attend last week here in the Bay Area next.
See our new projects page on the ecoartspace website at http://www.ecoartspace.org/projectsinline.html
There really is an overwhelming amount of activity right now in the world of art and ecology. It has been an exciting Earth Day week.