Today is Blog Action Day for Climate Change. Over 10,000 bloggers from 155 different countries will be uploading posts to spread the word about how our world is changing. For our contribution ecoartspace decided to highlight the Green Patriot Poster project initiated by the Canary Project founder Ed Morris early this year. This is an ongoing campaign centered on the development of posters that encourage all U.S. citizens to build a sustainable economy. These posters can be general (“We Can Do It!”) or can promote a specific sustainability action. You can vote for your favorite posters, create your own posters, distribute posters, or partner with them to develop a campaign for your specific cause. This is an accessible way to spread the word to large amounts of people.
ecoartspace gives Green Patriot's a thumbs up!HELP by etling Imagine if everyone in the world lived in one dorm room, and we didn't yet have the means to travel to the next room over... And everyone wouldn't stop smoking. Welcome to Apartment Earth.